2023: Here We Come
Here at Sokos Solutions, we have a new year tradition that has served our team well over many years together. Each of our team selects an Intentions for the Year in the form of a word.
Each member of our team chose a personal word, and then we all decided on our business’ “Word of the Year” to help us guide us and inspire us along the way.
Read below to learn more about our intentions and set your own “Word” of the year!
Abundance (n.)
plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity
Similar: bounty, thriving, plenty, prosperous
I made a major life change in the second half of this year to pursue an opportunity that will, in the long-term, help me reach my highest potential and fulfillment. But in the short term, I’ve really been struggling to find another time and energy to handle all of the important things on my plate. I realized recently that I have been operating from a scarcity mindset, rather than one of abundance.
The abundance mindset was first described by Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and to me, results in more time for planning, effectively communicating, and delegating. My goal in 2023 is to apply that approach to everything from my time management and availability for the three entities that depend on my leadership, to making even more space to invest in my personal physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing (last year's Word of the Year!).
Metamorphosis (n.)
a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one
Similar: transformation, miraculous change
2022 was a challenging year for me - mentally, physically, and emotionally. But, the hardships and difficult decisions I’ve been faced with have also left me feeling hopeful for the future.
As Maya Angelou said:
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
I’m hopeful that 2023 will behold many beautiful transformations - shedding the skin of my past, finding new ways to create healthy environments, and truly taking care of my mental health.
I’m committing to:
my mental health and well-being through atomic habits
relationship-building - personally & professionally
spreading my wings and finding peace
Experience (v.)
encounter or undergo
Similar: encounter, endure, enjoy, feel
This past year has been a year of comfort. I focused on finding the balance between work and life (still working on it), creating comfortable spaces to work on myself, and protecting my peace, finding calm in all the noise. Now that I have set a peaceful foundation for myself, this year, I want to push myself out of that comfort zone.
Work and your daily duties will always be there. But each of life’s precious moments will not. I’m heading into 2023 with a new mindset, the mindset of embracing all that life has to offer and jump into every opportunity, because why not?
I’m committing to:
Being present in every moment, worrying less about tomorrow
Saying yes more often
Turning the “maybe someday” ideas into “today”
Acceptance (n.)
the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
Similar: welcoming, embracing, affirming
I've grown a lot and life has grown around me, and for some reason, I've had trouble with it. It's like I've lost my ability to adapt.
This year, I'd like to just be okay with and accept the changes that may come — with myself, my life, my status, my career — and if nothing changes, I'd like to accept that too.
Ready to dive even deeper?
Sokos Solutions 2023 word of the year is (drum roll please…)
Tide (n.)
the alternate rising and falling of the sea
Similar: ebb, flow, movement, wave
Last year, we chose "River," a representation of our goals to harness the power of water and flow strong down our path toward our goals.
This year we chose “Tide.” We're moving into 2023 with a flexibility to let the tide guide us, whether we rise or fall—we do these things together, as one.
With each new shift or change that may come, as the tide goes in and out, we will drift along with it, accepting change, welcoming new, and flowing with the tide...