New Year’s Resolutions
Here at Sokos Solutions, we have a new year tradition. At our first weekly team meeting, we share our Intentions for the Year in the form of a word.
Each member of our team chose a personal word, and then we all decided on our business’ “Word of the Year” to help us guide us and inspire us along the way.
Wellbeing (n.)
the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
Similar: health, happiness, comfort, security, welfare
I chose “Wellbeing” as my word of the year because truthfully, it is the foundation from which we all thrive.
I took a good look at my goals and dreams for 2022 and “wellbeing” seemed to be the common factor. From mental wellness, to my physical wellbeing, and my general health. They all connected to this one word.
Over the past couple of years, we seem to all be operating in "fight or flight" and I think it’s important for me to start focusing on getting away from that mindset. I really want to take this year to refocus on my own personal wellbeing and make sure I can do my best for the people around me, our clients, and most importantly, myself.
I’m committing to:
using my new Mirror from Lululemon.
MOVE every day!
Find mental, emotional, and creative rest this summer with a goal of spending six weeks at our family home in Greece 🤞
Energy (n.)
the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Similar: vigor, vitality, liveliness, vivacity, spirit
My intention for the year is ENERGY: creating ENERGY, manifesting ENERGY, and spreading ENERGY through positive vibes.
And not only physical energy, but emotional energy, social energy, and mental energy, so that I'm strong, powerful, clear-headed, and able to focus on what's really important.
I've noticed that since March 2020, my energetic capacity has diminished. I feel lethargic and unwilling to push myself forward some days. I'm more apt to say "no" than "yes." I don't like living in that mindset, and I want to refocus my ENERGY to be creative, productive, open, and more in tune with the world around me.
I’m committing to:
writing a business plan for my new theater company.
doing more for my mental wellbeing, like yoga, hiking, camping, journaling, planning, and reading.
learn the Greek language in preparation for my trip to Greece this summer.
Confidence (n.)
a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.
Similar: self-assurance, trust, faith, self-confidence, dependence
My intention for the year is confidence.
Becoming more confident in myself, my decisions, my goals, and going through life more confidently. This year I plan to carry myself with confidence and truly believe it. Confidence has never been easy to me and has recently been lower than ever before — thinking negatively about myself, questioning my decisions, and worrying about what others think. Focusing on growing my confidence this year will allow me to truly grow into myself by learning who I am when no one else gets a say.
I’m committing to:
focus my mental health journey around being kinder to myself, speaking more positively about myself, my appearance, and my abilities.
worrying less about what others think about me, my goals or decisions.
being confident in who I am.
Growth (n.)
the process of increasing in amount, value, or importance.
Similar: increase, expansion, advancement, progress
My intention for the year is growth.
2021 was already a year of extraordinary growth for me… I got my first “adult” job, graduated from college, moved to a new city, and met so many new people. But in reality, I needed to do all of that. It was necessary growth. In 2022 I want to focus on growing because I want to. For example, growing my general knowledge, growing my network, growing into a strong community member, and of course, growing into being the world's best dog mom.
I’m committing to:
taking more time to read.
learn a new language
be more involved in my local community
giving my dog more treats… (even if it’s just for being her adorable self.)
Ready to dive even deeper?
Sokos Solutions 2022 word of the year is (drum roll please…)
As a team that gets a kick out of using puns, we were excited to hear our Chief Creative Officer, Eleni Sokos, suggest the word “River.” Not only did we all automatically come to an agreement that this word was utterly perfect, but you could tell each of us started internally realizing how this word fit right into our OWN intentions for 2022.
As we all know, water is a powerful force. When water flows in one direction, like in a river, it’s useful. But when water is spread out, like a flood, it can cause great damage and chaos. The same goes for our wellbeing, energy, confidence, and growth.
When our attention is too spread out and not focused, it can cause our wellbeing to deteriorate, lack of energy and confidence, and no growth. This year, Sokos Solutions will continue to focus on flowing down our river.